--START SIM START SIM START SIM START SIM START SIM-- Adm_Merrick THE FLEET, WITH WHAT IS LEFT< RENDEVOUS WITH THE USS GLORY Adm_Merrick --CUT SCENE TO THE ADMIRALS QUARTERS AS KYTE COMES TO THE DOOR-- _Kyte_ ACTION presses door chimes Adm_Merrick ACTION: Sips on coffee at his desk while he reads the bad news coming from intel about Verdian 3 Adm_Merrick: "Come" _Kyte_ ACTION walks into the room..." I believe you have a meeting in a few minutes.." Adm_Merrick: " Um yes i do..... ummm first though i gotta talk to you about ahh something.." Adm_Merrick ACTION: gets up from desk and walks toward her _Kyte_: " what?"... kyte looks at merrick Adm_Merrick ACTION: hands her a padd _Kyte_ ACTION takes the padd, scans it, looks up Adm_Merrick: " This is the intel on that Armored Cube.." _Kyte_: " it's massive..." _Kyte_: " you have an i dea.. dont you?" Adm_Merrick: " Unforuntely, the Science kids cant seem to find a way to kill the thing" Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks back to desk and get jacket off of chair _Kyte_ ACTION looks at Merrick..." and??!" Adm_Merrick: " An idea.... ummm yes i..... do" Adm_Merrick ACTION: turns to look at her, stone faced _Kyte_: " you arent sending in the whole fleet are you?" Adm_Merrick: " Not to this no, its a sucide if i did that" _Kyte_: " then...you want... what?" Adm_Merrick: " Kyte..... i need you to do something for me" _Kyte_ ACTION stares at Merrick, her face masked Adm_Merrick: " I cant have this thing in our way" Adm_Merrick ACTION: puts on jacket _Kyte_: " I see..." _Kyte_: " and I am to ..take it out?" Adm_Merrick: " yes" _Kyte_ ACTION turns away Adm_Merrick: " I.......um theres a shuttle on the Raven, Mac will be there waiting for you" Adm_Merrick ACTION: finishes off the lastof his coffee and walks toward the door _Kyte_ ACTION raises her head, " very well."... her face stone cold Adm_Merrick: " Is there anything you want me to tell him?" _Kyte_: " no... no he and I have said all we will ever say.. I guess." kyte says softly Adm_Merrick: " Very well" Adm_Merrick ACTION: begins to walk out the door when he stops _Kyte_: " am I to leave now?" Adm_Merrick: " Come back in one piece" _Kyte_ ACTION looks at merrick...."Merrick?" Adm_Merrick ACTION: he steps out of the doorway and into the corridor _Kyte_ ACTION leans back on the desk after he leaves --CUT SCENE TO CONFERENCE ROOM ON THE GLORY AS MAJOR DUFFY AND COMMANDER SLOANE LOOK OVER BATTLE PLANS-- Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; smiles at Duffy ..... Major_Duffy: " So this looks like it's going to get hairy real fast Bud" Cmdr_Sloane: "It's good to see you again my friend ..." Major_Duffy: " My guys will be ready though" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; nods at the wall moniter ... Major_Duffy: " You too Mike.....I wish things were better ...but right now its like old times" Cmdr_Sloane: "You think this is gonna work?" Adm_Merrick ACTION doors slide open as a tired looking Merrick walks in Adm_Merrick: "Gentlemen" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; stands a little straighter Major_Duffy: " Who knows....Hamilton has alot of luck though" Cmdr_Sloane: "Good morning Admiral ...." Adm_Merrick: " Im sure you both have seen the intel reports" Adm_Merrick: " So you know we got our jobs cut out for us" Cmdr_Sloane: "Aye sir ..... " Major_Duffy: " My aren't we astute this morning" Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks over to a holo table Major_Duffy: " Listen Merrick...save the obvious chatter" Adm_Merrick: " Duffy, im not in the mood for your remarks" Major_Duffy: " We know what we are facing...problem is how do we finish it off...what have you got in mind?" Adm_Merrick: " How good are those Marines of yours Major?" Major_Duffy: " I dont care what you're in the mood for...you have to get those old bones moving again....and I have people of my own to worry about now" Major_Duffy: " MY Marines are the best...they know what they are doing" Adm_Merrick ACTION: stares across the table at Duffy Major_Duffy ACTION: Smirks at Merrick Adm_Merrick: " Ok.... then i want that Recon unit of yours to head toward what was the Council Building" Major_Duffy: " Get it together...or should we have you relieved of duty due to old age?" Major_Duffy: " Now you're talking" Adm_Merrick ACTION: slams fist on the table Cmdr_Sloane: "Sirs ... respectfully...NOW is not the time for this ...." Adm_Merrick: " WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM SOLDIER!!" Major_Duffy: " My problem is you!...You come on MY ship acting like you own the place....plus you mope around like a child who lost his dog...you make me sick!" Major_Duffy: " I used to respect you.....you sure have changed...or maybe I just grew up....but we have some harsh realities to face ...so lets move on" Adm_Merrick: " Major.... im goona tell this to you ONE time! This is MY ship, this is MY fleet, and those Marines i LET you command, they are MINE as well!" Cmdr_Sloane: "Sirs .. .with all due respect ....." Major_Duffy: " Those troops follow me because they respect me...do your fleet boys say the same?.." Adm_Merrick: " So zi your damn trap and fly right or im gonna do it for you!" Cmdr_Sloane: "KNOCK it off or I ve both your asses thrown in the brig ......." Adm_Merrick ACTION: looks at Sloane Major_Duffy ACTION: Looks at Sloane with some suprise Cmdr_Sloane: "WE have a much larger problem than both of your egos ...so STOW it ...." Adm_Merrick: " ONCE, you Marines, or i mean MY Marines are in that Building i want them to search and lok for survivors" Major_Duffy ACTION: Mutters under his breath..." Atta Boy SLoane" Major_Duffy: " The Marines will search the building...but thats a waste of time.....scans can search for survivors" Adm_Merrick: " YOu will do it Major!" Capt_Xendra ACTION: enters the room Cmdr_Sloane: "Good Morning Captain ...." Capt_Xendra: Sorry guys, got held up in engineering Adm_Merrick ACTION: lends over closer to Duffy Capt_Xendra: Commander..... So what have I missed Adm_Merrick: " And you might think about dropping our attitude" Cmdr_Sloane: "just these two fighting over who has the bigger ego ......." Adm_Merrick ACTION; looks over to Xendra Major_Duffy: " The guys will have a look...I dont know what it will prove....but they will go...maybe they can find a terrorist to shoot" Capt_Xendra ACTION: takes her seat Adm_Merrick: " Captain" Cmdr_Sloane: "so far ... it's a tie ..." Major_Duffy: " Hello Xendra" Major_Duffy ACTION: Laughs at Sloanes remark Capt_Xendra: It usually is Commander (nods to the Admiral and Duffy) Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks over to a wall veiwer Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; moves to sit by his Captain ... Major_Duffy ACTION: Sits at head of table...kicks up his feet on table and lights a cigar Adm_Merrick: " We got a situatuon here" Capt_Xendra: Ok, I am listening. Adm_Merrick: " We got a long battle in front f us..... we got that Armored Cube and a thousnd or so Drone planetside" Adm_Merrick: " So we got our work cut out for us Adm_Merrick: " Xendra, any news on the Klingon front?" Major_Duffy: " Planetside shouldnt prove too much of a problem...I have the guys using primitive weapons...such as bows and knives...eliminating the Borg shielding ..and the Marines can handle hand to hand....problem is the armored cube" Capt_Xendra: Actually no, I havent been able to reach General Kurn yet. Adm_Merrick: " The Armored Cube has been taken care of Major" Major_Duffy: " Oh?" Adm_Merrick: " Yes" Adm_Merrick: " It wont be a problem when we launch our attck" Major_Duffy: " Care to elaborate?..Or just leave us in the dark like usual?" ********** Transcriber's note... A few line lost from script. ********** Major_Duffy: " I haven't learned anything productive here Xendra....the Admiral seems to think he can handle it" Adm_Merrick: " I .... i mean .... We..... we have to make sure the President and the council are not alive, we have to look in that case...understand?" Capt_Xendra: Well no offence, but that is his job Major, but we need to learn to communicate without the arguing. Adm_Merrick: " Commander, you will lead the assault on the rest of the Cubes in orbit on the Raven" Cmdr_Sloane: "Understood sir ......" Adm_Merrick ACTION: looks over at Duffy Capt_Xendra: Agreed Admiral, I will start trying to get in touch with General Kurn as soon as this is over. Adm_Merrick: " Your dismissed, except for Duffy..." Cmdr_Sloane: "Aye sir ....." Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; taps commbadge Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks over to Duffy Major_Duffy: "What Now?" Cmdr_Sloane: Capt_Xendra ACTION: nods again to Duffand Merrick "Gentlemen" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; dematerializes Adm_Merrick: " Major....... your letting Kyte eat you inside.... i dsuggest you let it go" Major_Duffy: " Cya Captain" Capt_Xendra ACTION: exits the room Major_Duffy: " Are you kidding me?!" Adm_Merrick: " No" Major_Duffy: " You of all people have no right to dicuss my feelings for Kyte...since I know yours!" Adm_Merrick ACTION: turns to walk out Major_Duffy ACTION: Grabs Merrick's arm and spins him about Adm_Merrick: " Problem Major?" Major_Duffy: " Your damn right there's a problem!" Adm_Merrick: " And what is THAT soldier?" Major_Duffy: " This IS my ship...regardless of whether or not its in YOUR fleet.....so from now on....I want to be filled in on any operations involving MY men...." Major_Duffy: " Obviously you dont care about them...but I do" Adm_Merrick: " I've got nothing more to say to you mister" Adm_Merrick: " I DONT CARE??!!!" Adm_Merrick: " How dare you say that!" Major_Duffy: " Yeah well I think you need to let me know what is happening with that cube....men's lives are in jeapoardy" Adm_Merrick ACTON: walks out of the Conference Room Major_Duffy: " Because you expect people to blindly follow your orders...well those days are through here....I saved your ass remember?" Major_Duffy ACTION: Punches table in frustration --CUT SCENE TO THE HANGER BAY WHERE XANATOS, COLE, SHELBY and rest of Marines are preparing for there mission-- CWO_Cole ACTION looks at PADD containing info of newly delivered weapons and supplies CWO_Cole: "Hmmm.... let's see....." CWO_Cole: "Lt... it looks like everything is here...." LtCmdr_Shelby ACTION: Grabs the med kits and gets things ready to hand out Lt_Xanatos ACTION: looks the Marines over Lt_Xanatos: "Yes, we have our work cut out for us..." CWO_Cole: "AHHH!!!! They've arrived!!" CWO_Cole ACTION goes over to two stacks of three crates per stack CWO_Cole ACTION pops a crate open and removes transport materials...reaches into the crate CWO_Cole: "I've been waiting for these babies for a while now.... they must have just finished making them." Lt_Xanatos: "Everything seems to be in order... what do you have there Cole?" Major_Duffy ACTION: Enters Hangar Bay with a disgruntled look on his face CWO_Cole ACTION pulls ot a large item... shaped mainly like a phaser rifle Major_Duffy: " Marines!!!...Front and Center!!" Lt_Xanatos ACTION: walks over to Duffy PFC_O`Shay ACTION reports to Duffy CWO_Cole: "This here is a Mark One Heavy PulsePhaser." NPC COM SYSTEM < ATTENTION, LT.COM SHELBY, PLEASE REPORT TO THE RAVEN > CWO_Cole ACTION goes to duffy after sling HPP over shoulder Lt_Xanatos ACTION: hands Duffy a PADD with the Marine roster Major_Duffy: " Listen up Boys....this here is O'Shay...show the lady some respect...she's your field medic and the first female to serve on a recon team" Major_Duffy: " Thanks Xan...stand up here with me" PFC_O`Shay ACTION nods at the Major Major_Duffy: " Welcome to the team Private" PFC_O`Shay: "thank you sir" Major_Duffy: " Now I have a serious mission for you guys...er and gals.....Looks like Merrick is stirring up the hornets nest again....so we have some heavy work to do. Veridian 3 is up to you guys to take....Xan you take your team ...and co-ordinate the attack strikes.I will remain in contact with you" CWO_Cole ACTION looks O'Shay over... trying to get a read on her Lt_Xanatos: "Aye sir..." PFC_O`Shay ACTION glances to her right, matching Coleīs observation CWO_Cole ACTION wincs slihtly as hostile thoughts perce his mind.... begins blocking them out PFC_O`Shay ACTION returns her attention to Duffy Major_Duffy: " Xan I have not been having a good morning....heres the PADD with all pertinent info...that I could get from Merrick anyway.....I may just decide to go down there with you...just to piss him off" CWO_Cole ACTION looks to Duffy to try and assess his condition Lt_Xanatos ACTION: grins at Duffy Major_Duffy ACTION: Glares at Cole as he senses what he is doing Lt_Xanatos: "Butting heads again, eh Duff?" CWO_Cole ACTIOn grins slightly Major_Duffy: " Thats what I thought Xan.....however...I trust you to handle the situation...Everyone comes home !" ACTION: OVER THERE HEADS ON A CRANE A RUNABOUT/DEFIANT HYBRID IS PULLED OVER THEM Major_Duffy: " Always Xan....seems we cant do anything BUT argue...I need to unwind" Major_Duffy ACTION: Whistles.... CWO_Cole ACTION looks at ship overhead Lt_Xanatos ACTION: looks up Major_Duffy: " She's a beaut...Luke would love to fly one of them" Lt_Xanatos: "This is ours, Major?" ACTION: IT IS LOWERED BESIDE THEM Major_Duffy: " Yeah Xan...we got some other new toys on the way as well" Major_Duffy: " Wait til you see the tanks" PFC_O`Shay ACTION looks over the ship then begins stowing med-gear CWO_Cole: "Some got here already sir." Lt_Xanatos: "That's good to hear, we need any and all help we can get." Major_Duffy: " Aint that the truth!' ACTION: OVER TO THERE RIGHT THERE S A LOUD NOISE AS A HOVER TANK COMES INTO VIEW,BEING STRAPPED INSIDE ANOTHER RUNABOUT HYBRID CWO_Cole: "Such as my heavy pulse phasers Major_Duffy: " Speaking of the tanks...." Lt_Xanatos ACTION: grins ACTION: A PRIVATE COMES RUNNING UP NEXT TO MAJOR DUFFY CWO_Cole ACTION laughs Major_Duffy: " Yeah Cole I looked over the specs and made some minor modifications....great weapons knowledge on your behalf" Lt_Xanatos: "Now THAT reminds me of home..." Major_Duffy: " What is it Private?" CWO_Cole: "Thank you sir..... uhhh, what modifacations?" Adm_Merrick NPC PFC " Um sir, Admiral Merick just left the ship for the Raven" Major_Duffy: " Good.....you guys better get ready" Major_Duffy: " Nothing major Cole...just things to keep the power supply in check and stuff like that" CWO_Cole: "Yes sir.' Lt_Xanatos: "Aye Major..." CWO_Cole: "Ah... very good sir." Major_Duffy: " Good luck kids.....come home safe" Major_Duffy ACTION: Leaves the hangar Lt_Xanatos: "ALRIGHT MARINES!!! Let's get a move on!!!" CWO_Cole ACTION mutters to self about ppl tinkering with his toys --CUT SCENE TO THE RAVENS SHUTTLEBAY, THERE NEXT TO A SHUTTLE.....KYTE DISCUSSES THE PLANS OVER WITH MAC-- _Kyte_: " mac... we'll need to be close... but not on her tail" Mac_Hudson: Okay _Kyte_ ACTION checks out shuttle _Kyte_: " theres going to be alot of fire power flying around" _Kyte_: " did merrick tell you about the mission?" Mac_Hudson: No, once again I'm in the dark. I hope they plan on paying me, this time. _Kyte_ ACTION laughs at Mac _Kyte_: "well get me back,Mac and i will PAY yoou!" Mac_Hudson: By the way, do you know much about Romulan impulse repair? _Kyte_: " yes i do..." kyte smiles Adm_Merrick ACTION: the Hangers doors openas Merrick comes into the bay Adm_Merrick: " Did you tell him?" Mac_Hudson: Ahhh, there's the man with my paycheck _Kyte_: " wer are going to take on the armoured cube.Mac" skyte frowns, looks away Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks up to Kyte and Mac Adm_Merrick: " Mac, you bring her back alive.... and the skies the limits" Mac_Hudson: Armoured cube? Aren't the normal ones nasty enough for you? _Kyte_: " hello Merrick>" kyte keeps checking out the shuttle ********** Transcriber's Note... A few line lost from script. ********** Adm_Merrick ACTION: steps closer to Kte Adm_Merrick: " And you, you just make sure you get back.... agreed?" Mac_Hudson: Ahhh, don't worry, Hammy. The two of us could arm wrestle a Q. _Kyte_: " dont worry, Merrick.I will take care of it..." ..."i hope" Adm_Merrick ACTION: smirks at Macs comments _Kyte_ ACTION smiles ,opens shuttle doors Adm_Merrick: " I'll be waiting for your return Kte, right here... i romise you" _Kyte_: " i will be back..." Adm_Merrick ACTION: starts to walk away _Kyte_: " you! dont lose that sec team..ok?" Adm_Merrick: "....and Mac i'll see about the slave girl.." Adm_Merrick ACTION: laughs about the sec comment Mac_Hudson ACTION: Laughs. "That's actually the least important demand. You see, I met this cute little PFC the other day...." _Kyte_: " MAC!" Mac_Hudson: What!?! _Kyte_ ACTION gets into shuttle... looks back at merrick --CUT SCENE TO THE GLORY, WHERE THE RUNABOUT WITH THE MARINES PREPARES FOR LAUNCH-- CWO_Cole ACTION checks over the HPP Lt_Xanatos: "Looking good Marines... we all set?" NPC PILOT OVER SPEAKERS < Strap in boys, we got the red light> Major_Duffy: < Duffy to Recon Team> " Good Luck ...and kill some for me!!" CWO_Cole ACTION grips the support grip on the top front of th weapon with the support strap across his left shoulder PFC_O`Shay ACTION takes her seat and secures her belt Lt_Xanatos: CWO_Cole: Ready sir." ACTION: THERE IS A SUDDEN RUSH OF NO GRAVITY AS THE RUNABOUT IS DROPPED FROM THE GLORY INTO SPACE Lt_Xanatos ACTION: straps himself in CWO_Cole ACTION sits and straps himself in ACTION: THE FLOOR SEEMS TO JOLT AS THE PILOT ENGAGES THE IMPULSE CWO_Cole ACTION puts HPP across his lap and unfolds part of the front bottom of it Lt_Xanatos ACTION: braces himself NPC PILOT < Hang on, were gonna get a little bumpy!> CWO_Cole ACTION pulls folding section out into a tripod..then refolds it back up CWO_Cole ACTION holds on Lt_Xanatos: "Don't get too excited Cole, we haven't landed yet..." Lt_Xanatos ACTION: grins ACTION: OUT THROUGH THERE PORT WINDOWS THEY CAN SEE FIGHTERS ATTACK BORG SCOUT VESSELS AND CUBES AS OTHER RUNABOUTS RUSH TOWARD THE PLANET ACTION: THE RUNABOUT BEGINS TO BUCK CWO_Cole ACTION attaches a foot long stabbing blade to front of HPP Lt_Xanatos ACTION: looks out the port windows CWO_Cole ACTION watches the battle ACTION: SUDDENLY THE RUNABOUT SEEMS TO LURCH OVER AS IT IS HIT BY A BLAST FROM A BORG SHIP PFC_O`Shay ACTION grips the handle next to her, watching the bayonnette end of the HPP carefully Adm_Merrick SPARKS FLY Lt_Xanatos ACTION: jolts forward CWO_Cole: "I even had these bayonets made for use against the Borg. That's the only problem... a few sht and their sfe from further shots." ACTION: ANOTHER BLAST, AS THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND MORE SPARKS FLY....A SMALL FIRE EGNITES CWO_Cole: "Paces the HPP's butt on the floor and holds it there Lt_Xanatos: "Good Cole, we're gonna need EVERY advantage we can get... CWO_Cole: "Haven't they heard of evasive manuevers???" PFC_O`Shay ACTION pulls extinguisher from panel, douses fire NPC PILOT< Mayday Mayday, this is Nile... we are going down hot and heavy!!> Lt_Xanatos ACTION: sprays fire CWO_Cole: "Ah crap!" Lt_Xanatos: "MARINES!!! Brace yourselves... this is gonna be a hard landing!!!" ACTION: THE CRAFT BOUNCES AS ANOTHER DISRUPTER STRIKES THE RUNABOUT CWO_Cole ACTION holds onto handle, bracing forlanding --CUT SCENE TO THE BRIDGE OF THE RAVEN AS IT STARTS TO UNDOCK FROM THE GLORY-- Cmdr_Sloane: "All systems ready Captain ...." LT_WILDSTAR: "docking clamps released sir...free to navigate" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; takes the center seat ...... HovVaj: "Glory is giving us the all clear, Sir!" Adm_Merrick ACTION: enters the Bridge Cmdr_Sloane: "MOve us away slowly MR. Wildstar ..." LT_WILDSTAR: "yes sir" Adm_Merrick: " Commander, set course for that Armored Cube" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; rises from the command chair Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks toward the center of the bridge Adm_Merrick ACTION: looks at Sloane LT_WILDSTAR: "course laid in sir" Cmdr_Sloane: "Helm .... plot an intercept course ...... full impulse once we clear the GLORY ......" Cmdr_Sloane: "Execute ......" LT_WILDSTAR: "aye sir" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION excutes Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; starts to step away from the command chair .... Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks over to Tac Cmdr_Sloane: "Admiral ...... " LtCmdr_Shelby ACTION: Walks on to the bridge Adm_Merrick: "Putnam...... keep a close eye on those shields" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; points to the chair Lt_Putnam ACTION takes tac Adm_Merrick: "Commander.... the bridge is yours" Cmdr_Sloane ACTIONl looks at the Admiral.... Cmdr_Sloane: "Aye sir ......" Adm_Merrick ACTION looks over Putnams shoulder Cmdr_Sloane ACTION: sits back down .... Lt_Putnam: "aye sie...." LT_WILDSTAR: "sir E.T.A 10 minutes to intercept' Cmdr_Sloane: "Ensign HovVaj ...... engage our cloak ....." Adm_Merrick: " Commander, i dont intend on taking command of this ship unless i need to" Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks over to the Ops station Cmdr_Sloane: "Understood Admiral ....." HovVaj: "Engaged, Sir...all systems at optimal under cloaking" HovVaj ACTION: straightens to attention, continuing to work Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; taps the all call on the arm rest Adm_Merrick ACTION: presses the Com button on the Ops station Adm_Merrick: < Kyte..... your on in 10> Cmdr_Sloane: "ALL HANDS ...... go to RED ALERT ...... man your BATTLESTATIONS ....." HovVaj: under her breath: ChIm yab Dun! Lt_Putnam ACTION checks phasers and torpedo systems ACTION: THE BRIDGE LIGHTS DIM AS RED LIGHTS APPEAR FLASHING ON THE SIDES OF THE BRIDGE LT_WILDSTAR: "coming into visual range of the cube" Cmdr_Sloane: "On screen ..." ACTION: ON THE MAIN VIEWER THEY SEE SCOUT SHIPS FIRE ON RUNABOUTS AND FIGHTERS LT_WILDSTAR ACTION activates screen HovVaj ACTION: concentrating on computers, not on spectacular image on viewscreen ACTION: THE ARMORED CUBE LOOMS WIDES IN THE VIEWER AS IT FIRES AT SHIPS Adm_Merrick: " Jesus" LT_WILDSTAR: "it's showtime folks" Cmdr_Sloane: "Drop cloak ...... stand by all weapons ......" Adm_Merrick ACTION: walks up nest to Slaone HovVaj: "Cloaking Device Deactivated" Adm_Merrick: Lt_Putnam: "all weapons standing by" Cmdr_Sloane: "Mr. Putnam ... concentrate your fire on the center of the cube ....." Lt_Putnam: "phasers locked on target and ready sir" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION flies towards cube _Kyte_: HovVaj ACTION: hands fly over computer console...."That will be immediately assimilated, Sir!" ACTION: THE RAVEN ROLLS AS SEVERAL BLASTS FROM THE ARMORED CUBE HITS IT Cmdr_Sloane: "Ensign ... scan the cube for any weak spots ...." Adm_Merrick: " Belya that Ensign!!" Lt_Putnam: "shields holding" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION performs evasive manuavers HovVaj: "The weak spot is in the alloy of it's construction, sir!" Cmdr_Sloane: " sir?" Adm_Merrick: " Sloane.. launchthe shuttle and take us to the other cubes" Cmdr_Sloane ACTION; nods .... Cmdr_Sloane: _Kyte_: --CUT SCENE TO THE SHUTTLE WITH KYTE AND MAC-- _Kyte_: " weel here we go.." looks at Mac Mac_Hudson 's t-shirt bears a peace symbol, and the slogan "Make Love, Not Borg" ACTION: A BURNING AND FLIPPING FIGHTER ZIPS PAST THEM-- Mac_Hudson: Let's get this done with. I have a captaincy with my name on it. ********** Transcriber's Note... A few line lost from script. ********** Mac_Hudson: Was this part of the plan? _Kyte_: "its ok Mac.." ACTION: THE CUBE FIRES TWO BLASTS AT THE SHUTTLE _Kyte_ ACTION her hands beging to glow blue... as it spreads out she struggles to breath Mac_Hudson: OK? I find life more fun when I don't have Borg cutting beams pointed at me ACTION: A BORG CUTTING BEAM STARTS TO PENETRATE THE SHIELDS OF THE SHUTTLE Mac_Hudson ACTION: Looks at the blue glow and mutters "And they call ME weird...." _Kyte_ ACTION the blue gloww surrounds the cube Mac_Hudson ACTION: Cycles the shield frequency, in attempt to slow down the cutting beam ACTION: INSIDE THE SHUTTLE, SPARKS FLY Mac_Hudson: Kyte, whatever the heck you're doing, can you do it QUICKER? _Kyte_ ... the cube begins to glow then pulse... Mac_Hudson: oh my Mac_Hudson: don't think I've seen that before Adm_Merrick THE CUBES POERS BEGINS TO FADE _Kyte_: SUDDENLY THE BORG CUBE FLYS APART ..PIECES HITTING THEIR SHIELDS Mac_Hudson: holy flaming spacemonkeys Mac_Hudson: Do you do parties? ACTION: THE EXPLOSION FROM THE ARMORED CUBE PROPELL'S THE SHUTTLE CRAFT AWAY _Kyte_: " mac... take us out of here..." kyte passes out Mac_Hudson ACTION: struggles to regain control of the shuttle --CUT SCENE TO THE MARINES RUNABOUT-- CWO_Cole ACTION holds on tight Lt_Xanatos ACTION: scans the Marines ACTION: THE RUNABOUT BEGINS TO GET OUT, OUTSIDE THEY CAN TELL THEY HAVE FLIPPED OVER ONTO THE SPINE OF THE VESSEL ACTION: IT TEARS INTO VERDIAN'S ATMOSPHERE, SPARKS DANCING OVER THE HULL Lt_Xanatos: "BRACE YOURSELVES GOOD!!! This is going to be a rough trip down..." CWO_Cole ACTION holds on to weapon as shuttle shakes from entry ACTION: THERE IS AN EXPLOSION FROM THE FROMT OF THE RUNABOUT AS A SHIELD ERECTS IN FRONT OF THEM, THEY SEE THE FRONT HALF OF THE RUNABOUT DISAPPEAR CWO_Cole: "ETA to landing sir?" Lt_Xanatos: "O'Shay, be ready to treat any injuries after landing..." CWO_Cole: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" PFC_O`Shay: "Already done, Leiutenant" Lt_Xanatos: "Oh my...." ACTION: CLOSER AND CLOSER THE SURFACE RUSHES UP AT THEM ACTION: THEN WITH A GREAT FORCE THE RUNABOUT SMACKS HARD INTO THE SURFACE ACTION: ROLLS AND FINALLY STOPS WITH THE BACK IN SUBMERGED IN EARTH CWO_Cole ACTION slamsinto ar wall as buckle shatters front impact PFC_O`Shay ACTION wipes hair from her eyes and snaps open medkits, quickly grabbing a tricorder and taking scans of the crew Lt_Xanatos ACTION: clears away debris PFC_O`Shay ACTION climbs over the wall that is now a floor and takes a reading on Cole Lt_Xanatos: "Sound off Marines!!!" CWO_Cole ACTION gets up from ground CWO_Cole: "Cole here sir. I'm fine!" PFC_O`Shay: "O'Shay here, sir" CWO_Cole ACTION rubs back of head where it hit wall ACTION: FIGHTERS SCREAM OVERHEAD Lt_Xanatos: "Cole check our supplies, O'Shay, check for injuries, no delays, we got a mission to complete!!!" PFC_O`Shay ACTION runs the med analyzer over Cole, muttering about thick skulls CWO_Cole ACTION gets a satchel from under his seat and clips it oto the back rightof his belt... connects four frag genades onto front of belt PFC_O`Shay ACTION admisiters hypo to Cole...this oneīs fine sir..WHO ELSE? CWO_Cole ACTION chuckles at O'Shays mutterings Lt_Xanatos ACTION: collects duffel bags of supplies CWO_Cole: "Most ofour gear is fine.... a few broker rifles is all." Lt_Xanatos: "Everthing intact Cole?" PFC_O`Shay ACTION climbs over dislodged seats...No additional injuries, Sir Lt_Xanatos: "Good, let's pack up and move on out!!!" CWO_Cole: "Except for those few rifles... yes." PFC_O`Shay ACTION grabs kit and readies to exit NPC RADIO CWO_Cole ACTION picks up HPP, places strap over left shoulder and grips support handlewith left hand Lt_Xanatos: NPC RADIO < Recon, were taking heavy body tolls in front of the Council building we need you ASAP> Lt_Xanatos: PFC_O`Shay ACTION grabs the second kit Lt_Xanatos: "OK MARINES!!! Les move out!!!" ACTION: OUT IN FRONT OF THEM, THEY CAN SEE VERDIAN'S LANDSCAPE CHANGING..... VESSELS, BODIES, RUBBLE, A PURE HELL BEFORE THEM.... PFC_O`Shay ACTION activates release and pushes the jammed door wi PFC_O`Shay ACTION activates release and pushes the jammed door with her foot CWO_Cole ACTION helps o'shay open door ACTION: SEVERAL SHOTS BOUNCE OFF OF THE HULL OF THE RUNABOUT PFC_O`Shay ACTION drops to the ground...COVER!! CWO_Cole ACTION looks to see who fired CWO_Cole ACTION crouches behind a piece of rubble Lt_Xanatos ACTION: adjusts his pack and readies his Blasters and heads towards the Counsil building ACTION: SEVERAL MORE SHOTS FIRED AT THEM PFC_O`Shay ACTION bolts between debris, carrying the kits, following the leiutenants lead to the Council Building CWO_Cole ACTION looks to see who fired again Lt_Xanatos ACTION: covers and scans the area ACTION: A CHARGED EXPLOSIVE ROLLS NEAR COLE Lt_Xanatos: "Cole, status?" CWO_Cole ACTION flings the explosive the way it came CWO_Cole dives behind cover ACTION: EARTH AnD SHRAPNEL ARE THROWN INTO THE AIR ONCE IT LANDS CWO_Cole: "Fire n the hole!!!!!!!!!!" PFC_O`Shay ACTION glances back, sees no severed limbs, continues to dodge towards the Council Building ACTION: DRONE BODIES ON FIRE PFC_O`Shay: "LEUITENANT! Civilain casualties, sir!" Lt_Xanatos: "DAMN!!! Let's move!!!" CWO_Cole ACTION catches up to xan CWO_Cole ACTION keeps an eye out for attackers PFC_O`Shay ACTION pulls a male body out of line of fire, attatches stabilizer unit to forehead PFC_O`Shay: "COLE! 30 meters south...two females, GET THEM" CWO_Cole ACTION covers o'shay --CUT SCENE TO THE GLORY AS XENDRA AND DUFFY WAIT FOR MAC TO LAND THE SHUTTLE-- Major_Duffy ACTION : Paces the deck Capt_Xendra: Wel Major, I think she did it, I hops shes OK. Major_Duffy ACTION: Mutters " She better be..." Mac_Hudson ACTION: Pilots the shuttle in. Fast. REALLY fast. Major_Duffy ACTION: Stands in wake of shuttle...covering his eyes Capt_Xendra: I am sure she is Major, calm down... ACTION: A MED TEAM RUNS INTO THE HANGER Capt_Xendra ACTION: stands back, covers eyes Major_Duffy ACTION: Watches Med team Mac_Hudson ACTION: Can't get the shuttle door to open, so beams himself and Kyte out of shuttle. He is carry Kyte. Mac_Hudson: MEDiC!!!! ACTION: MED TEAM SCANS KYTE IN MACS ARMS Major_Duffy: " What the HELL happened Mac?!!" Capt_Xendra ACTION: approaches the two Mac_Hudson: Don't ask me. Nothing I've ever seen before. When I used to work with her, she wasn't a lightbulb. Major_Duffy: " Jesus...every time she goes on one of these missions she comes back looking like a corpse........I can't take this crap anymore!!" Capt_Xendra: major, she does this because she wants too, n one forces her.... its a ast resort. Major_Duffy ACTION: Orders Med team to get her to sick bay and give her the best care Adm_Merrick MED " Sir, we gota get her to sickbay..shes in a an indused Coma" Mac_Hudson: Anyone care to explain to me what the heck she did? I've seen some weird things before, hell, I AM a weird thing, but this... Major_Duffy: " I know Xendra...I just feel so helpless when this happens....." Major_Duffy: " Get her there then DAMMIT!!" ACTION: MED TEAM PUT KYTE ON A HOVER BED AND QUICKLY TAKE HER TO SICKBAY Capt_Xendra: Well Mac, I think it's best that she explains... she does a better job. Major_Duffy: " She has done this a couple times before Mac...I cant explain it...but she has some sort of power that alters reality" Mac_Hudson: Will she even recover? Capt_Xendra: I know you do Major, but you know how she is,shes a strong minded lady... Major_Duffy: " She has in the past.....I hope ...I pray she is OK now" Capt_Xendra: Yes, she always does mac, but its always hard to tell. Mac_Hudson: Well, if she isn't, you better clear a spot in the brig for me, because I'll personally rip that Admirals head off... Major_Duffy ACTION: Leans against the wall of hangar......fighting an inner struggle of wheteher or not to go to her side in sickbay Major_Duffy: " Get in line Mac...." Capt_Xendra: Mac, you know as well as I do that Kyte son't do nothing she does'nt want to, it is no ones fault. Major_Duffy: " Now maybe you can understand my frustrations with him Mac...that man is intolerable....How the hell did you marry him Xendra?" ********** Transcriber's Note... A few line lost from script. ********** NPC SICBAY < Sir shes in a coma,,,scans say it might take 2 weeks> Major_Duffy: " Wildstar might Macx....why?" Major_Duffy: < 2 WEEKS!!! Do all you can doctor...Duffy Out!> Mac_Hudson: Because if I could fix the engines on my, uh, "borrowed" scout ship, I could seek some more profitable employment. Major_Duffy: " I'll have Mar'Kon assist you...he should know something" --CUT SCENE TO THE MARINES AS THE SEARCH FOR SURVIBORS IN THE COUNCIL BUILDING-- Lt_Xanatos ACTION: scans area with tricorder CWO_Cole ACTION walks in point position... wary for borg ambushes PFC_O`Shay ACTION ducks behind a toppled wall, stabilizing four more civilians Adm_Merrick IN THE SHADOWS FIGURES MOVE PFC_O`Shay: "Leuitenant, we didn't expect these numbers...how are we evacuating these people? CWO_Cole ACTION checks through doorways Lt_Xanatos: "Quiet Cole... one thing at a time..." PFC_O`Shay ACTION pulls phaser from hip, waiting to identify the shadows CWO_Cole ACTIUON looks to the shadows looking for tell-tale borg laser eyes ACTION: A DRONE DROPS FROM THE CRUMPLED CIELING ON TOP OF O'SHAY PFC_O`Shay: "COLE!" Lt_Xanatos ACTION: dives and fires at Drone CWO_Cole ACTION turns and kicks the drone in the side of the head ACTION: THE DRONE PINS SHAYS LEG WITH ITS ARM PFC_O`Shay ACTION tries to roll but is trapped, plants the phaser in the drones face and fires CWO_Cole ACTION slamsthe bayonet through its side three times Lt_Xanatos ACTION: reconfigures Blaster ACTION: DISRUPTER FIRE RINGS OUT FROM THE SHADOWS PFC_O`Shay ACTION stabs at the drones optics with her finger and slips out from underneath ACTION: THE DRONE ROLLS OFF OF SHAY. NO LONGER IN FUNCTION Lt_Xanatos ACTION: fires into the shadows CWO_Cole ACTION spins around into a crouch and opens up with HPP on lethal setting CWO_Cole: "Come get some!!" ACTION: A HUGE EXPLOSION FROM COLES WEAPON BRINGS MORE OF THE BUILDING DOWN AROUND THEM PFC_O`Shay ACTION drops over the casualties CWO_Cole ACTION backs up near o'shay Lt_Xanatos: "Cover your eyes Marines!!!" PFC_O`Shay reaches for her medkits, looking for a particular set of hypos Lt_Xanatos ACTION: tosses a flash grenade CWO_Cole: "Ooops! Not as sturdy as t looked over there." PFC_O`Shay: "Do we have more drones?" ACTION: THEY CAN HEAR FOOTSTEPS ALL AROUND THEM, MANY FOOTSTEPS CWO_Cole ACTION covers eyes PFC_O`Shay: "Thank you for noticing, Skull-Boy...ARE THER MORE DRONES?" ACTION: HUNDREDS OF TINY LASER BEAMS DANCE AROUND THEM Lt_Xanatos: "On your feet Marines, we have company!!!" CWO_Cole: "Skull-boy??? And yes.... more drones." PFC_O`Shay ACTION takes that as an affirmitave and pulls out the hypos...ok, Cole, stab them with that damn stick of yours and get me close enough Lt_Xanatos: "MARINES!!! ATTN!!!" CWO_Cole ACTION tosses grenade at group of drones CWO_Cole: "Fire in the hole!!!!" PFC_O`Shay ACTION turns to Xanatos...then ducks Lt_Xanatos ACTION: covers ACTION: THE EXPLOSION KILLS A GROUP OF DRONES, BUT BRINGS MORE OF THE BUILDING DOWN PFC_O`Shay ACTION protects her casualties again...Maybe grenades are not a good idea???? ACTION: SUDDENLY THEY ARE TRAPPED INSIDE THE REMAINS OF THE BUILDING Lt_Xanatos ACTION: sets Blaster on wide beam and fires at Drones ACTION: STILL THE BEAMS DANCE AROUND THEM CWO_Cole ACTION gets knocked to floor aschuck of ceiling strikes a glancing blow Lt_Xanatos: "COLE!!! you trying to kill us?" PFC_O`Shay: "Leuitenant, you have about two more shots then that's not going to work!" CWO_Cole: "Ow.... I think you are right." ACTION: LIKE A SHOOTING GALLERY THE DRONES OPEN FIRE CWO_Cole ACTION returns fire while getting behinddebris PFC_O`Shay ACTION jumps over debris and crawls, infecting the nearest drone in the foot Lt_Xanatos ACTION: fires at the Drones and reconfigures Blaster ACTION: A DRONE PICKS UP XANATOS FROM BEHIND AS IT READYS ITS ASSIMILATION TUBE CWO_Cole ACTION fires a quick burst at far wall blowing a hole through it PFC_O`Shay: XANATOS CWO_Cole ACTION stabs drone through the eye Lt_Xanatos ACTION: flips, grabbing the Drone by the neck and snapping it ACTION: IT SINKS THE TUBES INSIDE XANATOS'S CYBER LEG Lt_Xanatos: "DAMN BORG!!! that was TOO close!!!" ACTION: THEN FALLS TO THE FLOOR Lt_Xanatos ACTION: kicks the Drone and fires at the others ACTION: ANOTHER DRONE TOSSES COLE INTO A PILLAR CWO_Cole ACTION gets up and fires at drone ********** Transcriber's Note... A few lines lost from script. ********** PFC_O`Shay ACTION pulls casualties to the clear as the drones start to fall Lt_Xanatos: "O'Shay, anymore survivors?" CWO_Cole ACTION slashes a tubes PFC_O`Shay ACTION coughs...no sir... Lt_Xanatos ACTION: spinwheel kicks a Drone ACTION: STILL THEY FIRE UPON THE MARINES Lt_Xanatos: "Cole, we need an escape route, YESTERDAY!!!" PFC_O`Shay: "Leuitenant...We won't be able to get them out...there's no way" CWO_Cole ACTION slams drone that grabbed o'shay into wall and rams bayonet up under its jaw as far as it can go PFC_O`Shay: "COle, ok, NOW use the grenades!!" CWO_Cole ACTION grins ash tosses a genade at group of drones PFC_O`Shay: "Be ready to run...but DUCK FIRST" CWO_Cole ACTION ducks behind cover and ires at a wall ACTION: THE EXPLOSION CAUSES MORE DEBRIS TO RAIN DOWN ON THEM CWO_Cole: "Sir... any shuttles in the area that can beam out the survivors?" Lt_Xanatos: CWO_Cole ACTION fires at ceiling above some drones ACTION: A TWO DRONES ATTACK COLE Lt_Xanatos ACTION: knocks off debris PFC_O`Shay ACTION dodges debris and tries to keep ther larger pieces off the civilians CWO_Cole ACTION ducks and stabs first drone in abdoen PFC_O`Shay recalibrates her phaser once more and fires at the drone holding Cole Lt_Xanatos ACTION: grabs at a Drone attacking Cole, snapping its neck ACTION: THE DRONE FALLS AS THE OTHER STICKS HIS NECK WITH WHAT APPEARS TO BE A KINFE CWO_Cole ACTION stands up htting second drone with a buttstroke to the chin Major_Duffy: < Duffy Here> CWO_Cole ACTION whips upper body away from drone Lt_Xanatos: PFC_O`Shay ACTION grabs the second drone, pulling itīs arm with both hands to see what itīs used...DAMN CWO_Cole ACTION grabs hole in neck and shoots second drone Major_Duffy: < Its on its way Lietenant...how are you holding up?> Lt_Xanatos ACTION: sets Blaster on wide beam and fires at another group of Drones, then reconfigures Blaster PFC_O`Shay ACTION yells..NOT WELL Lt_Xanatos: PFC_O`Shay ACTION wrestles with the drone, trying to get the unusual tool out of its hand before it disintegrates Major_Duffy ACTION: Laughs < Buck up girl and act like a marine...Helps on the way Xan...hang in there> CWO_Cole ACTION backs up against wall firing at drones as blood seeps out from under his hand Major_Duffy: < I'm coming personally Xan...hang in there> PFC_O`Shay ACTION looks at Xanatos, Iīm gonna give that man an enema when we get back to the ship Lt_Xanatos: laughs --CUT SCENE TO THE RAVEN AS IT SPEEDS TOWARD THE OTHER CUBES-- Cmdr_Sloane: "REPORT !!!!!!" LT_WILDSTAR: "ready here sir" HovVaj: "The main cube has disentergarated , sir" ACTION: THE CUBES OPEN FIRE ON THE ATACKING FLEET Cmdr_Sloane: "Finally ..... someones given me good news ...." Lt_Putnam: "shields holding at 93%,all weapons ready" Adm_Merrick ACTION: holds onto the back of the center seat Cmdr_Sloane: "Wildstar ....... take us in to the closest cube ......" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION flies tight evasive course... dodging beams LT_WILDSTAR: "aye sir" Cmdr_Sloane: "We're through running from these bastards ......" HovVaj: "the bad news, sir: the weapon of distruction is not in our compliment" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION veers towards nearest cube ACTION: THE CUBES SEEM TO CIRCLE AROUND THE FLLET AS THEY FIRE Cmdr_Sloane: "Mr. Putnam .. quantam torps ... full spread ...... FIRE !!!!" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION manuavers between cubes Lt_Putnam ACTION fires torpedos Adm_Merrick: " Ensign, tell Glory we need those nig guns of hers aimed this way!!" HovVaj ACTION: scans cubes in range...... "Gladly, sir! " ACTION: A CUBES REPEATEDLY FIRES ON THE RAVEN LT_WILDSTAR ACTION manauvers in and out between cubes HovVaj: "Glory respond!" Cmdr_Sloane: "Return fire Putnam ..." Major_Duffy: < ACTION: THE RAVEN BUCKS Lt_Putnam: "shields down to 78 %" Major_Duffy: HovVaj: "Mr Sloane request that you aim your big guns this way, sir" Cmdr_Sloane: ACTION: A CUBE EXPLODES IN A BLINDING LIGHT Lt_Putnam ACTION fires phasers LT_WILDSTAR ACTION swings around behind cubes Major_Duffy: < Affirmative COmmander....Kyte is comatose though...I am now going to get my men off the surface...Your admiral has alot to answer for> Adm_Merrick: < Shes well then, Good Duffy> Cmdr_Sloane: "Wildstar ... attack pattern Omicron 3 ... NOW" LT_WILDSTAR: aye sir' Major_Duffy: < I am not going to dignify that with a response...oh hell yeah I am...You consider comatose GOOD Admiral?!!> LT_WILDSTAR ACTION excutes Adm_Merrick: < Major off MY com!!> Adm_Merrick: " Ensign, close com!" HovVaj: "Sir! Comm Transfer Interrupted" Adm_Merrick: " Bless you" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION comes up underneath cube HovVaj: "ChIm yab Dun, Sir!" Cmdr_Sloane: "Putnam .... full spread of torps ..FIRE !!!" Lt_Putnam: "aye sir,fireing torpedos" ACTION: A BORG CUBES ENGAGES A TRACTOR ON THE RAVEN AS ITS CUTTING BEAM SLICES INTO ITS SHIELDS HovVaj: "Shields failing rapidly , sir!" Cmdr_Sloane: "DAMN ...fire on the source of that beam ......" ACTION: ANOTHER CUBE EXPLODES LEAVING Cmdr_Sloane: "Reroute secondary power to the shields Ensign ......" Lt_Putnam ACTION locks phasers on beam and fires LT_WILDSTAR: "i can't break free from the beam" HovVaj: "Mr Sloane.....a low level burst from the phasers, reconfugured, will destroy the cube's hull!" ACTION: A BORG CUBE ON FIRE STARTS TO LEAVE THE BATTLE HovVaj: "Secondaries rerouted, sir!" Adm_Merrick: " WIldstar Fllow that Cube!!" ACTION: THE CUBE STARTS TO OPEN A CONDUIT LT_WILDSTAR: "we can't sir...the tractor beam has us" Cmdr_Sloane: "PUTNAM ... fire a torpedo into the conduit ... that should disrupt it ......" Lt_Putnam: "shield power increasing" Lt_Putnam ACTION fires torpedo at conduit HovVaj: "Sir....reconfigure the phaser harmonics to supra-sonic will disrupt the mollecular structre of the alloy the cube is made of" LT_WILDSTAR ACTION initates low level pulse back through the tractor beam --CUT SCENE TO NARRATOR-- NARRATOR: AS THE RAVEN FIRES ON THE CONDUIT IT CAUSE A FREAK CASCADE EVENT NARRATOR: IT EXPLODES IN A BRILLIANT LIGHT AS THE CUBES AND THE RAVEN DISAPPEAR FROM EVRYONES SENSORS Adm_Merrick AS THE LIGHT SUSIDES, NEW OBJECTS BEGIN TO APPEAR.... NARRATOR: MASSIVE OBJECTS...... ACTION: TRIANGLE IN SHAPE WITH BORG TECHNOLOGY --CUT SCENE TO THE GLORY, ON THE BRIDGE AS DUFFY MAC AND XENDRA LOOK AT THE PYRAMIDS ON THE VIEWER Mac_Hudson: holy flaming spacemonkeys Mac_Hudson: what the heck are those? Major_Duffy: " What the Hell are THOSE?!!" Capt_Xendra: What the...... WHERE DID THE RAVEN GO!!!!! NPC " Sir were being hailed by those vessels" Major_Duffy: " I don't know Xen...but I bet those pyramids are the answer" Major_Duffy: " On SCreen" Capt_Xendra: well, don't just sit there!! Somebody scan it!!! ACTION: A FIGURE COMES OUT OF THE SHADOWS, IT IS FIMILAR TO ALL OF THEM Major_Duffy: " It cant be...." Mac_Hudson: Elvis!?! Capt_Xendra: I think it is Major... Major_Duffy: " Now I'm really gonna kick his @$$" --- END SIM --- END SIM --- END SIM ---