A voice is heard saying, "Kiss my tight, Latin ass!" Arriba's new theme music, "Latino Heat" begins to play. Arriba Harrazane walks from under the X-Tron. The crowd goes crazy with a huge pop. Arriba struts his way down to the ring, looks around and shouts out, "VIVA LA REVOLUCION!" The crowd responds by doing the same.

Arriba: I want to let everyone in attendance know, that I back the current champion Draka and his lovely escort Vicki Vixen 100%. I furthermore add that Kimberly Page is no longer my manager slash escort. It was totally appalling that that slut Kim had her so-called MAN come out and attack Draka in his moment of glory.
The crowd cheers Arriba's remarks louder. Arriba raises his hands in the air. He brings them down and continues.

Arriba: Hasha, you got what's coming to you. You talk about being screwed out of the belt? Well, how exactly did you come by it in the first place? With the help of Arriba. But what you did to me at Vendetta was unforgivable. You had that masked bastard come out and attack me just before I was going to come out and show my support for the REAL champion, Draka. I'll deal with that freak at another time. Right now, I'd like to give it up for the Arribadors! Without your cheering and support, Arriba would not have been able to put on such a great show for you all!
The fans create a huge pop and Arriba raises his arms as to make the crowd cheer loauder, which in turn they do. Arriba looks to all four sides of the ring.
Arriba: I pledge my undying support to keeping Draka the champion. He truly deserves that belt and I congratulate the wonderful show he put on. Which brings me to the next subject. A Pink Slip match. I don't care too much for Jericho, but I do recognize that he has talent and potential. You will probably witness a brutal match in which Jericho and I annihilate that so-called Hell Rider tag team. Taker, it's time for the curtain to drop on your career. You were good, once. That one time was in one match against the legendary Hogan. But after that, you decided to JOB your way, day-in, day-out. And Rhyno, why even bother lacing up your boots when you are all but prepared to lay down anyways? It will be a pleasure to see Jericho slap on the Walls of Jericho on the Overfaker and I in turn will slap "El Muerto Loco" on Rhyno. And as the bell rings and they look up at what could have been, they will know, they just felt...

The crowd yells in unison with Arriba the final words, "LA RE-VO-LU-CI-ON!"