A voice is heard saying, "Kiss my tight, Latin ass!" Arriba's theme, "Latino Heat" begins to play. Arriba Harrazane walks from under the X-Tron. The crowd goes crazy with a huge pop. Arriba runs down the ramp to the ring. He jumps in to the accolades of the entire crowd. Arriba climbs a turnbuckle, looks around and screams, "VIVA LA REVOLUCION!" The crowd responds by doing the same.

Arriba: In just a few days I step into this ring. It could possibly, I say POSSIBLY, could be for the last time.
Arriba pauses as the crowd shouts "NO!" Arriba can be seen smiling beneath his mask.
Arriba: Like I said, it could possibly be my last match, but I don't think so! You see, the Latin Destroyer will team up with one with a heart as big as a lion, that being the one called Y2J, Chris Jericho. I never had a chance to wrestle Jericho, but I can tell you this. From watching his matches, he will give his all. Arriba and the Arribadors wouldn't expect any less! You see, I'm on a mission, that mission to prove to EVEYONE that I deserve a shot at the Intercontinental strap. Kimberly Page declared me not medically able at the tournament in which I should have been involved in and outrightly won! Nothing against the other wrestlers that were involved in that tournament, but they didn't get to wrestle against the best.
The fans cheer louder, "A-rri-ba! A-rri-ba! A-rri-ba!" Arriba waves his hand as to quiet the crowd.

Arriba: But that is neither here nor there. No sense in dwelling on the past. Let's get focused on the present. That being my Tag Team match for Carnage against two of the biggest sacks of horse crap to ever grace the squared circle. The two big sacks being named the Overfaker and the Rhyno-girl. THe Bell Criers if you will. I haven't heard this much whining since the Overfaker had his blankie taken away at age 15! Get over it chicas! Your careers end on Monday night, in front of all the fans you totally snowballed for years. You two have NO talent, and this tag team match will totally show it! The one thing Arriba truly can't believe is how you guys got a contract in the first place. You miss shows, your wrestling skills are on par with those of an 11 year old schoolgirl, you make demands of Mr. Marlow without just cause? What's your deal chicas? I'm going to dedicate this match to the Arribadors and to Mr. Marlow. Mr. Marlow, their ass kicking is for you!
The fans get to their feet and applaud louder.
Arriba: In closing, I'd like to acknowledge Draka's comments from earlier. I know you don't need the help Champ, but Arriba has your back just in case the DX girls can't behave themselves and just in case those maggots called the Dojo can't behave themselves! Heaven knows everyone's gunning for you now, but Arriba will be there to help all he can. And if any of them think that they can mess with either of us, they will feel...

The crowd yells in unison with Arriba the final words, "LA RE-VO-LU-CI-ON!" Pyro goes off as "Latino Heat" begins to play again. Arriba flips over the top rope and heads up the ramp to a huge pop. Arriba raises his arms high, then exits under the X-Tron.