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Xtreme Internet Wrestling Alliance

As dawn rises across the United States as does the dawn of a new era in Sports Entertainment. Today marks the start of a series of Battle Royals to determine the XIWA's® ranks and champions! Join up now and start to roleplay right off the bat.
Remember to read CEO Eric Marlows instructions on the RP Board after you do apply.
Original, WWF, WCW, or ECW Wrestlers are invited to join now!!

Executives from the front office headquarters of the XIWA® announce that they plan to hold several Battle Royals around the United States to begin seting there ranks.
"Each Battle Royal will determine who will be what champion," CEO Eric Marlow added.
XIWA® officals also offically announced today what belts will be on the line for these events: The XIWA® World Championship, Intercontinental Championship, Hardcore Championship, and a Womens Title.
"We are going to add Tag Team Belts later in the year when that division starts to grow."

CEO Eric Marlow, of the XIWA®, announced today that he has signed Jerry "The King" Lawler onboard as a commentator for the federations Monday Night Show.

Media wizard CEO Eric Marlow announced today that he has struck a deal with the USN Cable Network to begin airing "his"brand of "sports entertainment" during the new fall lineup. USN executives have given Marlow a somewhat longshot as Marlows XIWA® will be pitted against Vince McMahon's WWF® on Mondays at 9pm.
" We're finally going to find out what old Vince has got, cause when the XIWA® airs this fall i can tell you all here today that the chairs will fly, " Marlow added to Television reporters during the USN announcement.
Unconfirmed sources say that Eric Marlow has been looking at indy feds currently for wrestlers to bring into his orginization, and that money is not an issue.
" I want to bring a brand of sports entertainment into the mainstream media that people at home have only dreamed about. Ratings right now show a decline in viewership, but that will all change." Marlow explained, " When XIWA's® Monday Night Carnage makes its debut!"

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