Thursday, 13-Mar-2025 13:07:26 EDT
You've reached the Commander's Pictures pages.
Pictures will be updated here from time to time so keep checking back!
Pictures will be updated here from time to time so keep checking back!

This is me and my aunt Peggy (my Mom's sister).
It was taken on October 10, 1976, just a few months shy of my second birthday.
What ever happened to that cute, innocent little kid?

Here is a picture of a lip-sync contest my friends and I were in back in elementary school.
This from is 1986. We were Bon Jovi and we did "Livin' On A Prayer" and "Shot Through The Heart."
I'm the little guy in the white t-shirt.

Look at us in our High School days! A bunch of total bad asses!
Todd, me and Eric were filming a "documentary" that will remain nameless, to protect the non-innocent.

This is me singing either "Working Man" or "In the End," both by Rush.
This is the band known as "Mr. E and the Bar Nuns."
If you've ever watched the Nickelodeon show "Hey Dude,"
you know where the name came from.

This is what Commander Cory looks like in the movies.
This is taken from the set of Iron Aces II: Dependence Day.

Some of you know about the BIG accident I had back in Dec of 1998. This is the result of drinking and driving.
I was on a gravel road, a rabbit ran infront of my car, I swerved to miss it. I lost control, did 1 1/2 doughnuts, rolled my car 1 1/2 times, landed upside-down in a ditch. The only reason why I stopped rolling is because I hit a utility pole, which in turn snapped in two.
They found my back tire in a corn field, over a mile away. When I regained consciousness, I crawled out of the passenger window (still upside-down), and made it home. I escaped with a scrape on my forehead and a bruise on my elbow as the biggest of my injuries.
The paramedics could not believe it was me that was driving the car. They also said if I hadn't had an airbag and hadn't been wearing my seatbelt, I would have been thrown through my windshield my car would have rolled over me, killing me instantly.
Talk about a rude awakening. From that day on, I have not touched a drop of alcohol.

This picture was taken when my brothers and I went on a
Marine CAX mission for the teen groups at our church.

In all our crazieness, we film movies and shorts.
These are pictures from the video "Seperate Ways (Worlds Apart)" Journey video that we spoofed.
To this date, it is probably the most fun I've had filming since Iron Aces II: Dependence Day.
These are a few of my drawings.

This drawing has won two contests and has been published twice. I have drawn this Bulldog (that I can remember) 6 times.
Once to replace the original which had become water damaged after a flood
and the others were as presents to friends who liked the drawing.
I'd have to say I surprized myself with this drawing, as my main artistic talents lay in cartooning.

This was done for an art class. People say it looks good, but I wish I hadn't added water colors to it.
It was fine as just an ink drawing, but the assignment said it HAD to be a water color painting.
What a shame. It turned out alright I guess.

This drawing was done for a good friend of mine. She requested a drawing, I stupidly asked what she wanted me to draw.
She said, a Chipmunk. Crap. I found a few pictures and this is the outcome.
It's another of my favorite drawings. The one I scanned is a fax copy, so the quality sucks.
I kinda wished I had made another one when I drew it. After several attempts to draw it again, I gave up.

This is a landscape picture I drew. My scanner isn't big enough to capture the whole thing.
What is missing is a mushroom cloud off in the left horizon. It was supposed to be kind of a pre-apocalyptic scene.

This is a close up of the iguana in the Lighthouse picture.
I wish the details of the scales could be seen better.
It's hard to explain, but the scales look real.

This picture has won two contests and was also published, with another friend's poem,
in the High School annual publication, "Inkspills."
Another favorite and an excursion into the use of shadows.