King: Thank you for gracing us with your presence, The Chosen One.
Jarrett: The pleasure is mine. Glad to set the record straight.
King: What brought you to the XIWA?
Jarrett: Well King after I kicked just about everybodys ass in the WCWF, captured their IC title, there was just nothing left for me. Yea, I know, there was the WCWF World strap but that slap nuts Prodigy kept dodging me every chance he had! All he did was run his little mouth, but when push came to shove, that kneejerker just
kept putting barricades in the face of yours truly The Chosen One... So I came here to stomp the hell outta anyone and everyone and make the XIWA Belt my own... can ya smell what The Chosen One's cooking King? HAHAHA!
King: I hear ya Double J! What makes you The Chosen One?
Jarrett: Hell King just look at me, I'm in my prime for one, numerous titles under me including the WCW Championship and the WWF Championship which I won countless times. I'm at the peak of the Sports Entertainment Industry, everyone else strives to be just like me... but none can compare to the true Chosen One, thats me... Double J, Jeff Jarrett. And, if anyone thinks they can knock me off, well hell... all they need to so is talk to the Cripple Draka... or even to the XIWA so-called cardboard cut out Chumpion Shawna Maverick. Anyone stands in my way, they go down... one by one... thats what it means to be The Chosen One, King... take no names and beat the living snot outta anyone that steps up to the plate.
King: You mentioned the cripple, Braka-my-leg. Why single out Draka?
Jarrett: Look at him King... the man needs to be taken out to the pasture somewhere and shot.... the man's just begging to be put down!
King: Your thoughts on the upcoming Table Match with SSM at Monday Night Carnage?
Jarrett: King, its time for the world to see the current champion as the fake he is.... the only reason why he's there is to make money for Eric Marlow. The man can't wrestle a lick, I showed ya that when I put The Stroke on his ass at Carnage just this week. Sure, the man's all fake, hell even his breath could kill ya if you stand close to him.... but he can't beat me... I showed him that, and the dork knows it. So King right here I'm gonna make a prediction... and King, you know my
success rate on my predictions are pretty high... I foresee an ass whipping that SSM has never had, and when the smoke clears, the wood falls, and the crowd belches and farts... I will be the NEXT XIWA World Champion! And there ain't a damn thing that SSM can do about it...
King: I agree 100%! We've seen over the past week or so, this strange man who guards Vicki the Pixie in your absence. Who is the man in black?
Jarrett: Well King, I would love to tell ya, but because of contracts and such I can't... I'm sorry King, but old Double J can tell ya this... when he is finally able to show himself to you and the whole world... Then they all will remember that day when the band played!
King: Does Vicki the Pixie have lips made for porno, or what?
Jarrett: King, really... I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole. Hell son the only
reason I took her was to teach Draka a lesson. And that lesson is this... ya smart mouth off to the Chosen One or as so much to piss me off... I'm gonna break ya... not only your body, but mentally. And Draka has learned that repeatedly.... but the Dork just won't graduate and he keeps on coming back only for me, Jeff Jarrett, to stomp his ass back to the slime hole he crawled out of.
King: Who do you see as the top contenders for the XIWA World Heavyweight belt, besides yourself?
Jarrett: Thats easy King... Me... and... Myself! No one can match the level of work that I do in that ring, I am the best at what I do... no one can deny that... and when the show comes on, that bell rings.... The Chosen One always rises to the occassion! I can't be stopped King, oh they've tried... but I have as yet to come up on someone that can.
King: Your thoughts on the other XIWA wrestlers?
Jarrett: Stepping out of character for just a second, I can see many on a bright path if they just pushed themselves a little harder... But the one that I see as an
up and comer has got to be Hellfire, now there's a man that The Chosen One can respect... but that's outside the ring... in the ring I'll clean his clock!
King: Puppies or winning a match, which do you prefer?
Jarrett: Both King.
King: I couldn't agree more. But nothing beats stroking a couple of nice puppies! Ha ha! Now, on a serious note. Let's try word associations... I say a word, you say the first thing that comes to mind. Champion...
Jarrett: The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett, that's J-A-Double R-E-Double T!
King: Has been...
Jarrett: Prodigy, the man never had it.
King: Blood...
Jarrett: SSM's.... Did ya see how I easily opened his ass up on Carnage? HAHAHA!
King: Table...
Jarrett: Shotgun's feeble body.
King: Cage...
Jarrett: Vicki Vixen, King she's gonna look so good hanging abve that ring at the ThunderDome PPV!
King: Best opponent...
Jarrett: No one.
King: Best wrestler...
Jarrett: The late, great Brain Pillman, hell the man could put on a show.
King: Worst wrestler...
Jarrett: That's a toss up between SSM and Draka, King.
King: Dead...
Jarrett: Well dead is so extreme King, how about retired, as in Draka
when I'm done with him at ThunderDome!
King: Guitar...
Jarrett: To the skull of Prodigy.
King: The Chosen One...
Jarrett: Thats me, good old Double J!!
King: Thanks for your time, and we all look forward to you kicking Schoolgirl's ass from post to pillar come the Table Match!
Jarrett: You'll see slappy get what he deserves, a little Southern Comfort. Because baby, I got ALL the stroke around the XIWA!